The building process began back in July, I remember coming back from Florida, driving by and seeing the second floor up! We were so thrilled and couldn't get over how fast Beazer Homes was getting things done! Before we knew it the third floor was all finished! 

Second milestone was when the framing was complete, we were so excited to have walls and vision each space/room. 

Last week we had our first home inspection which was so nice to be put as ease that we are building with a reputable builder and that everything was done to code. We swung by this weekend to the pictures below!!!!

Visiting our home each week is completely surreal! I am filled with so much emotion each time, thanking the Lord for this opportunity, dreaming and praying for a little family to fill up the spaces. ♡ Our desire for children continues to grow but so does our trust in the Lord. For we know that children are a wonderful blessing from God alone but never in His scriptures did He promise couples having children. In the meantime we continue to be honeymooners completely head over heels for each other! hehe ♡