Aren't there roses beautiful! They are literally on every corner...I just marvel every time I see them! These photos were taken downtown Fredericksburg by the docks and that sweet little home behind me is the cutest ever! Every time we drive by, walk by or ride our bikes by it I always ask Mike to buy it for me one day! I dream of painting it yellow and having pink shutters and door! 


It's fourth of July weekend! How fun and exciting! What are your family plans? Do any of you have special Independence Day traditions? When I lived in Florida my family and I would watch the fireworks on the water on my dad's boat. Oh it was oh so special–it literally felt as if the show was our own. This year I will probably be shopping taking advantage of all the sales..since the hubby will be working their store sale! One of my favorite things to do is dress in my red, white and blue. I love dressing patriotic during these special holidays. Do you already have your outfit picked out? Hope you ladies have a wonderful holiday weekend and are filled with joy and a thankful heart to live in a country that is civil, safe and allows us to freely worship the Lord. ♡