Some holidays are just silly like this one! haha Celebrating each other in love should be an everyday thing...! :) But it is nice having an extra excuse to be sweet, thoughtful and generous. When planning for this post, I thought about doing a "gift guide for him" and rather than material gifts, I wanted to share with you 4 acts that we as wives should be giving our husbands daily. 

1. Be selfless. Make his needs your priority and place them above yours. Always be encouraging, edifying and pointing Him to Christ. "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Philippians2:3-4 

2. Have a servant's heart. Serve him, pray for him and go the extra mile. Since the day we started getting to know each other Mike has opened my door, after 9 years you think he would have stopped but he hasn't. We aren't required to rub the hubby's feet, or make him breakfast in bed, or wash his car but it's those little things that make someone feel special. Make him your king. "Do all things without grumbling or complaining." Philippians 2:14

3. Be kind. "Love is patient and kind" 1 Corinthians 13:4 Kindness demonstrates patience, humility, and gentleness. In our marriages we will often but heads, disagree and even argue, but sometimes it's best to just drop what we are trying to get across and let God handle your husband's viewpoint. If you are right then allow the Lord to show Him, be kind with your words and actions for your testimony speaks louder than any word we say. 

4. Be gentle. Remember he's not perfect. He's extremely flawed but just as Christ loved us when we were once His enemies we should be able to love unconditionally. Being gentle goes hand in hand with patience and understanding God's sovereignty. If your husband is just not getting the point even after nagging about it for 3 months, be gentle, wait patiently and pray for Him. Depend on God over your husband's weaknesses. "I...urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love" Ephesians 4:1-2

I struggle with each of these and much more, I am probably the worst wife out there but if it weren't for God's grace and His word, I would be in worse shape. As wives, we cannot afford to go a day without spending time reading God's word. God's word sanctifies us, sharpens, corrects, and convicts us. Sin blinds us and alienates us from Christ deceiving us more and more as our sin grows. We need God's word to protect us and our marriages. The greatest gift you can give to your husband is spending greater time with Christ. Hope you have a wonderful day ladies!! 

&& to all my single ladies out there...keep on waiting, but do it joyfully. I look back on my single days and oh how I miss how much time of solitude I had to spend with Christ. Delight yourself in the Lord, be consumed by Him for there will be a day in which you will miss how much time you had to spend with him.