1. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN. - Mark your calendars with monthly events work backward and schedule out your week. The night before it is always best to plan out the next day, even if you only get one thing done, at least you are aware of what needs to get done.
2. WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN. Hand-write your goals, things you need to remember, to do list–everything. When you hand write something down it stimulates your memory.
3. EAT BETTER. When you make one good decision, it is an instant motivator and causes a positive ripple effect. Choosing to eat better will help you make better decisions and may even push you to go to workout more.
4. GO TO BED EARLY. Get in the habit of setting up a nightly routine. Don't try to cram too much in, but simple things that help you unwind and prepare you for the next day. When I stay up late, pushing myself to pure exhaustion, I skip washing my face, praying and reading, I let my exhaustion dictate what to do.
5. READ A GOOD BOOK. Set a time limit on how much time you spend on social media, watching tv shows, and just pure idleness. Pick up a book instead, put your mind to good use, never stop learning and growing.
**Bonus Keep track. Keep Track of your progress, goals, cheat days, failures, etc.**
For this post I have teamed up with Make Me Chic, I absolutely love how affordable their products and at how large their selection of products are. These trousers are the perfect color for an everyday work wear look. We all have those days where we just feel a little heavier and these pants are perfect for those days subliminally adding extra height to your legs. Check out some of the items that are currently in my shopping cart, item 1, item 2, item 3, item 4, and item 5.