As thankful as I am that Michael is finally sleeping through the night; when I look back to when Michael was a newborn and waking every 1.5-2 hours in the middle of the night to eat, I can’t help but miss those quiet intimate moments with the Lord. I was so dependent of His grace, constantly praying for strength and endurance. (& sleep haha let’s be real) The days seemed so long without end but looking back I see how gracious the Lord was in giving me strength that I never felt alone.
All in all, we shouldn’t see spending time with the Lord as another task on our to do list, but rather the very food for our souls. ♡ As rewarding of a calling being a mom can be, it can also be exhausting and draining both mentally and physically. But the Lord who is so rich in mercy, is the only one that can get us through those long, exhausting and draining days. His word provides us with His instruction, love, encouragement, and conviction. He is the only one that can give us peace that passes all understanding, and the ability to remain joyful during the most tiring times.
1. Pray without ceasing. “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” How wonderful, kind, and merciful is our God in demonstrating such patience with His children. The Lord knows and understands how taxing, exhausting, consuming our lives are that he gives us such a kind command to pray without ceasing. While we are washing the dishes, we can pray, when we are walking the dogs we can pray, when we are driving, getting ready, folding laundry, it doesn’t matter what busy body task we are doing we are able to just pray. We are able to just share our thoughts, make our requests, and just praise Him all day long.
2. Talk to your children about the Lord; use every experience as an opportunity to share the gospel. Use even the littlest of experiences: like when you go out for a walk tell your little one of creation and how the Lord created the very air we breathe, we don’t have to have the most perfect words, just pure hearts. The more we talk about the Lord the more we will crave His word.
3. Download an Audio Bible. My Audio Bible has become my best friend…when I am applying my make up, driving, making dinner, the audio Bible allows me to listen to God’s word during the moments in which I would not have been able to read it.
4. Listen to Audio Sermons. Here are some of my favorite sites Desiring God, Grace to You, Proclaiming Grace. If you have an Amazon Echo you can ask Alexa to play sermons for you…I like to listen to Grace to You’s newest weekly sermon every Monday morning. Our hands and feet may be tied up but our ears are always able to listen even if it’s just for 10-15 minutes.
5. Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. I am sure we as moms’ can come up with a million reasons why we can’t make it to church….and I am sure they are all legitimate reasons. But there is no better place to find encouragement than at church–not to mention it is a command the Lord placed for believers to obey. Getting to fellowship with other believers, worshipping the Lord together, and hearing God’s word gives us the very strength and desire we need to keep seeking the Lord. “If you love me, keep my commands.” John 14:15
May our attitudes be like Martin Luther’s “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” I don’t think the point here is spending three hours, but more so how dependent we should be of God knowing that we do not have the strength, energy, or capacity to do anything on our own, it is only by His grace and His grace alone. ♡ Keep your eyes on the Lord, seek Him always–He is there so ready to listen, forgive and give us rest.