Everyone says your second pregnancy flies by but I can’t say it has been for me…maybe it’s because I have Michael and chasing him around all day long has made this pregnancy feel like a decade!! hahaha
From the last update to about 3 weeks ago things have been pretty smooth except for I did fail my glucose test and had to retest but then everything came back normal and baby is measuring average size so no extra precautions were taken.
Weeks 30-35 - feeling great! Running everyday, in full blown nesting mode, minor heartburn, and new stretch marks. Which is crazy because I have gained less weight this pregnancy! I truly believe stretch marks are more so hereditary than anything
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WEEK 35- I caught a cold…ugh worst feeling ever. For the first two days I had no idea I was sick I just thought I was losing my energy but then Michael got sick. The worst part about the cold was just being fatigued 24/7 and not being able to rest because Michael was sick too so his naps were off and he was cutting teeth. But thankfully it came to an end!
WEEK 36 - Just when we were starting to feel better I caught a 24 hour stomach virus that literally had me throwing up all night long from 11pm-7am. It was awful, completely wiped me out that my midwives asked for me to go to the hospital to get fluids and nausea medicine. It scared my mom so she flew in and oh how thankful I was that she did. I was discharged from the hospital that same day but boy was I depleted and having her here to just watch over Michael and help me with day to day chores was the biggest and greatest blessing. She stayed for an entire week and I can’t thank the Lord enough because I needed it! My SIL and MIL threw me the sweetest baby shower last Saturday it was such a blessing to be able to receive all the necessities like diapers, wipes, and formula. As I was opening the gifts I felt such ease and ready for this baby. Being pregnant for the second time has truly been my favorite simply because I love knowing what to expect and thinking of what I can do differently.
WEEK 37 - My edema has returned and it’s worse than I had ever experienced. If I could push this baby out today I would have Monday! hahaha To say I am uncomfortable is an understatement. I go in tomorrow for my 38 week check up and would be more than thankful for your prayers. If you could pray that if it is the Lord’s will for this baby to come that he may come and if not that the Lord may give me endurace to keep on going. ♡
Overall I feel so incredibly blessed to be able to experience pregnancy, the good, the bad, and the uttermost discomfort, knowing that I will be holding a sweet baby boy in my arms soon makes it all worthwhile. I am sorry if this post seems like a debbie downer but I wanted to be as real with you ladies as possible.