I am in complete awe of God's miraculous work during pregnancy, this process is truly breathtaking. The highlight of my weeks are always the start of a new week and reading what new development is happening. I am left speechless at God's design of pregnancy. All I am doing is sleeping, eating, and breathing, but it is our Creator that is forming and knitting him in my womb.
Happy Seasons in our lives come and go just as times of trials and periods of waiting on the Lord. This Season in my life has to be one of the most joyful and humbling of all. To think of all of our doubts and our failed attempts that came with sorrow has shown me God's faithfulness. To be in a season of complete and total reliance of God was so intimate and humbling but now to see God's perfect plan unravel is the greatest reward. I will shout praises of His mighty and glorious name.
A glimpse at his great blessings this Summer :
The birth of my sweet little niece, Sofia!
My brother will be a daddy to a sweet baby girl, February 2019!
My sweet Sister in law is pregnant with baby number 3, due March 2019!
My heart could explode over all these wonderful blessings!
WEEK 14 - WEEK 16 : Fatigue? What is that! Hello to feeling normal again!!! My house is finally clean and I'm back to making home cooked meals!! All the momma's or momma's to be would always mention how amazing the second trimester was for them and now I know why! During these weeks I regained my energy, strength, stamina and my love for veggies!!!
WEEK 17 - WEEK 19 : These weeks were my least favorite. I didn't like the way my body looked at all, lol I felt so awkward like a middle school girl going through puberty. My normal clothes looked and fit so awkward, I didn't have a "baby bump" yet, it was more of a food bump. Just plain awkward..thankfully it didn't last long! During this time we flew down to Florida to see, Niza (my sister), right before she had her baby not ever expecting to be able to meet my sweet little niece!!! We thought we were just going for moral support, but God blessed us greatly! I can't even believe that I got to meet her the first day she was born!! This trip was really hard for me the plane ride caused me to swell up terribly especially on the plane ride home, it took a total of 4 days for the swelling to go down completely. I had plans to make at least one more trip down to Florida before the baby came but after the swelling on the plane, I told myself I wouldn't be doing any more traveling until after the baby came. The swelling was awful and totally freaked me out! Have any of you ever experienced extreme swelling during pregnancy?
WEEK 20 - WEEK 22 : At the start of week twenty I was pretty down in the dumps, it seemed like all the momma's that were pregnant with me already had a super cute baby bump and were already feeling their baby move....meanwhile I'm over here anxiously waiting haha! Mike went away on a business trip at the start of week 20 and when he came back I had a baby bump!!! It was like Michael Christopher was trying to impress his daddy! I was still anxiously waiting on these "kicks" to happen but I had no idea what I was looking for or what it would feel like. During week 21 we were scheduled for the baby's 20-week anatomy scan, we couldn't wait to see him again! During this appointment is when I realized the butterfly flutters I was feeling was actually the baby's movements!!! My heart sank! The ultrasound technician made me aware that I have an anterior placenta and that is why it took a little while for me to feel the baby and it probably won't be until another few weeks for Mike to be able to feel him. She also let us know that the baby was measuring a week and 6 days ahead and already weighing a pound!! Oh man, hopefully, this isn't 100% accurate and it was just Michael Christopher having a growth spurt! haha We did notice that the baby is breached, which my midwife assured me this is normal, but if you could just pray for the baby to turn. ♡
WEEK 23 - WEEK 24 : Mike felt Michael Christopher kick!!!! These two weeks have been so fun! I love love love feeling Michael Christopher move, it brings me soo much joy! The bump is officially here and only getting bigger, just the other day I noticed myself using it as a cup holder!! oh geez haha!! We have officially finalized our birth plan!! Feels good to have all grounds covered even though I'm sure nothing will go as planned! hahaha
Overall Updates : Exercise: Running - Yes 6 miles a day and Mild Weight Lifting in the evening | Heartburn - Occasionally started around 14 weeks | Weight Gain - Up 4 pounds | Pains - Upper Back and Right Below the Ribcage | Weird Cravings : nothing out of the norm but I am really enjoying peaches now that they are in season!! ♡
I am so thankful for all of your sweet comments and for always checking on me!