Just a few more weeks until Apollos’ due date and my mind is spinning with all the things I want/need to get done before his arrival. One of them being making room for him in Michael’s room. As for right now I plan on them sharing a room, but for the first few months (or year) Apollos’ crib will be in the guest room. Michael is a great sleeper and I really don’t want to mess that up so until Apollos’ is confidentially sleeping through the night is when I plan on them sharing a room.



We recently purchased closet organizer from Lowe’s (Shop Here) to go in the nursery and in the coat closet downstairs on the main level. (Where we keep a lot of Michael’s toys) I originally looked into Ikea’s Closet organizer’s but after adding all the pieces together just one closet would be over $700. But then I found these from Lowe’s and couldn’t pass them up!

I rearranged the shelves and have three above the drawer and placed baskets on each shelf which left a big space on the bottom which I am using for a bigger basket that I used to store cars, balls, and blocks. I used the smaller baskets linked below for shoes, blankets, and swaddles. I love these baskets because they have lids so they conceal a lot and create a cleaner look.

It is 100% true when people say babies grow like weeds so I purchased these under the bed storage containers for Michael’s grown out clothes. I love that they have a clear casing and labeled them by size : 3-6, 6-9, 9-12. I have linked them below.

MOM HACK——A good friend of mine gave me the best advice when it comes to baby toys and it works like a charm. Being a first time mom, I really had no idea what toys Michael would like or what toys were appropriate for his age so a lot of experimenting went on. But I noticed that no matter what toy we purchased the excitement wouldn’t last long and become bored of it. Well, my friend recommended that I have toys on rotation…I mean this is genius! So rather than having all his toys out, I have sorted them out in different baskets and each day different baskets get pulled out. It’s like buying new toys every day! haha He does in deed have favorite toys and I have those in a different bin for easy access in case he wants on demand, but having this system in place has saved us money, kept Michael entertained for longer, and helped us have a more cluttered free home!

Do you have any mom hacks? Please share below or email me, I am all ears! I love learning from you ladies!